剧情:Yes, "Dear" is a comedy about two young couples and their vastly different views on parenting issues. Greg and Kim Warner are first-time parents, and they work hard every day to become perfect in their work. Jin is a neurotic full-time mother, and although her husband Greg has been successful in his career, his more difficult job is to keep his wife calm while raising their one year old son Sam. Although Jin is determined to become the perfect mother and wife, raising the perfect son, her sister Kristen Hughes is a very pragmatic mother of two [four year old Dominic and one year old Logan], constantly reminding her that life will never be perfect. Kristen's husband Jimmy is a security guard who doesn't care about staying at the reception of Kim and Greg. He feels it's necessary to share his philosophy as a husband and parent with her brother-in-law, while still being a man. Author: Anonymous

